Company Announcements – November 2006

Medserv plc


The Company rebuts the allegations made in a letter by a certain Dr Coenen published in the Edition of Malta Today on Sunday 12th November 2006, as being completely unfounded, speculative and malicious.

In this context, it is currently seeking the appropriate legal advice in order to take legal action against both the author of the letter as well as the newspaper publishing the same article.

In the mean time, the directors believe that they ought to reassure investors that the prospectus issued by the Company in October in connection with the offering of shares reflects the position of the Company at the date hereof…please click here to read more in the official announcement.

Malta International Airport plc

The Board of Directors of MIA is scheduled to meet on Thursday 30th November 2006 to approve the Interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30th September 2006. It is also expected that the Board will consider the payment of an interim dividend at the meeting. Please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.

Datatrak holdings plc


Further to the Company announcement of the 17th October 2006, the Company announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on the 20th November 2006, has been postponed to Tuesday 28th November at 11am, and shall be held at the Malta Stock Exchange. Please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.


Vilhena Funds SICAV plc


Vilhena Funds SICAV plc (“the Company”) gives notice that Valletta Fund Services Ltd was appointed Company Secretary with effect from 2nd November 2006. Please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.


Wignacourt Funds SICAV plc


Wignacourt Funds SICAV plc (“the Company”) gives notice that Valletta Fund Services Ltd was appointed Company Secretary with effect from 2nd November 2006. Please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.


La Valette Funds SICAV plc

La Valette Funds SICAV plc (“the Company”) gives notice that Valletta Fund Services Ltd was appointed Company Secretary with effect from 2nd November 2006. Please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.

Tumas Investments plc

In respect of the redemption of the Tumas Investments plc Lm4.2 million 6.7% Secured Notes 2006, the company announces that in accordance with the relative provisions of the Listing Memorandum, the above-mentioned Secured Notes will be redeemed on the 22nd November 2006. Furthermore, each Note will cease to bear interest from and including its due date of redemption, consequently interest shall be paid up to and including the 21st November 2006. Please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.