1. Preamble
This document is prepared and published in accordance with the Investment Services Act (the Act), MFSA Conduct of Business Rules, MFSA Part BI: Rules applicable to Investment Services Licence Holders which qualify as MiFID Firms, the Arbiter for Financial Services Act and the guide adopted by the Arbiter for Financial Services. It also considers any organisational requirements specified under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II. In addition to this Policy, the Company has in place procedures documenting the process of Complaints Handling which are documented within the Company’s policies and procedures manual.
2. Purpose
2.1 Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Ltd strives to offer a professional, efficient, courteous and a welcoming service as well as to build long term relationships with its customers by being supportive at any time. This is complemented by encouraging our customers to give us feedback on their experiences with us, which we understand, may not always be positive.
2.2 This policy has been created to inform our customers of the high value we give to the relationship with them. Furthermore, this policy will also help us improve the service we offer our customers by encouraging them to contact us if they believe that something has gone wrong or they feel dissatisfied with the service that they were offered.
3. Procedure
3.1. What is a complaint?
A complaint is an oral or written expression or statement of dissatisfaction made by a client or potential client to Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited relating to a product or service offered.
3.2. Who may complain?
Any person or organisation may make a complaint arising out of, or in connection with, any product or service provided by us.
3.3. How to make a complaint?
We strongly suggest that complaints are resolved by discussing the issue with the respective representative of Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Ltd who originally carried out the transaction or with his/her immediate superior. Furthermore, if the response is not satisfactory, one may write to us, addressing the complaint to the Complaints Manager of the company. No charge will be incurred to the complainant for making a complaint.
3.4. Information to be included in a complaint?
When lodging a complaint, a customer is requested to briefly explain all the facts regarding the issue raised and provide the company with personal details (Name, ID Card Number and contact details), complaint details (details of company representative, date, name of contact person within the company and nature of the complaint) and any supporting documentation for the complaint. Complaints should be received in writing either by post or on the email address referred to below.
Ideally, in order to ensure that Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors ltd has all the required information, the Customer Complaints Form of the company should be filled in with the respective details. Moreover, any staff member receiving a verbal complaint from a client, should prepare a summary of the complaint, listing all the details requested above and pass on to the Complaints Manager for further verification.
4. Post-Submission of a complaint
4.1. Acknowledgement of Complaints
Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Ltd is committed to acknowledge receipt of the complaint by a reply letter or email within 2 days of such receipt. At this point, The Complainant must also be informed that he/she has a right to complain to the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.
4.2. Response to a complaint
Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Ltd deals with each complaint separately and in the most appropriate manner. An investigation and reply to a client’s complaint should be provided within 15 working days from when the complaint was first lodged. Should the company require more time to investigate the issue, it will inform the complainant with the cause of the delay within seven business days and the expected time of completion of the investigation.
5. Right of a complainant after the complaints process
If the response given by the company is not considered satisfactory by the complainant, the latter may escalate the matter to the Arbiter for Financial Services in writing. Complaints to the Financial Services Arbiter can be made by completing the Complaint Form (in English or Maltese) and sending it to the Arbiter together with supporting documents and the applicable fee. It is advisable for complainants to seek advice before lodging the complaint.
The Arbiter for Financial Services can be contacted as follows:
Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services
1st Floor
St Calcedonius Square
Floriana FRN 1530
Freephone (local calls): 80072366
Telephone: (+356) 21249245
If the mediation has not been successful or has been refused, the Arbiter – who may be assisted by an investigator – will start investigating your complaint. The Arbiter will not have access to any information which might have been exchanged during mediation. Any person who the Arbiter may decide to appoint to assist him with the investigation into a complaint will exclude any person who was involved during mediation.
Decisions reached by the Arbiter may be subject to appeal by either party to the complaint. When no appeal is made by either party, the decision taken by the Arbiter becomes final and binding on all parties.
6. Data Protection
The Company will ensure that complaints are treated with due consideration. Complainant’s information and personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and in line with the Company’s information security and privacy policy.
7. Staff Competency
The Company will ensure that staff members involved in the management of complaints are fully abreast with regulatory obligations. Additionally, the Company will provide staff members with adequate training on the management of Complaints.
8. Internal Flow of Information
The Head of Compliance shall ensure that during every Risk and Compliance Committee meeting information about any complaints received from clients or potential clients are communicated to the committee members. Such information is duly documented in the committee minutes, which are then forwarded to the members of the board of directors of the Company.
9. Important Information
Complaints Address:
The Complaints Manager
St Joseph High Street,
Hamrun, HMR 1019
Contact Details:
Telephone: +356 2122 4410
Fax: +356 2122 3810
Email: [email protected]
Version: June 2024