Company Announcements – February 2007

FIMBank plc

The Board of Directors of FIMBank met in Kuwait yesterday 21st February 2007, to approve the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31st December 2006. It was resolved that the statements be submitted for approval of the shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting to be held in Malta on 12th April 2007.


At that meeting, the Board of Directors will be recommending the payment of a scrip dividend of US$3,036,929 (i.e. US cents 3.5244 per ordinary share). The Board resolved that the attribution price for calculating the scrip dividend will be communicated at a date after the 28th February 2007. Also, changes to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company will be proposed for the shareholders’ approval.


Please click on the above heading to view further details.

Grand Harbour Marina plc


The shareholders of GHM plc who last week sold 30% of their shareholding to members of the general public, have announced the share allocation policy.


Subscribers who applied to buy up to 40,000 shares will receive the full allocation. Those who applied to buy more than 40,000 shares will receive 40,000 shares and 68.1 per cent of the remaining balance, rounded up to the nearest 100 shares. Refunds, where applicable will be paid by the 28th of this month.


All those who applied to buy shares in GHM plc will receive a letter from the company with explanatory details.