Company Announcements – March 2007
Malta International Airport
The Board of Directors is proposing that the Annual General Meeting approves the payment of a gross dividend of Lm0.0338. Upon such approval, all shares of Malta International Airport plc settled as at close of business on Monday 23rd April 2007, shall be entitled to a payment of a net dividend of Lm0.022 per share, which shall be paid by not later than the 15th May 2007.
The Board of Directors has today approved the financial statements for the period ended 31st December 2006 and resolved that they be submitted for the approval of the shareholders at the forthcoming AGM. The Board has also decided that the AGM shall be held on the 12th April 2007.
Please click on the above heading to view the preliminary profits statement and further details.
Suncrest Hotels plc
The Board of Directors of Suncrest Hotels plc wishes to state that the remaining balance of 8.25% Suncrest Bonds 2005-2007 will be redeemed upon maturity on 26th March 2007 (and not on 23rd March erroneously stated in a previous company announcement issued by Suncrest).
Bondholders will be receiving a payment of the principal as well as the final year’s interest payment up to 26th March 2007. These payments will be issued to the registered bondholders as at the close of business on 11th March 2007. Consequently trading in Suncrest bonds will stop on 6th March 2007, to allow sufficient time for settlement by the record date.
Please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.