Company Announcements – May 2007
Maltacom plc
The Company announces that the results for the first four months of the year confirm trends already evident throughout last year. The group continues to experience strong growth in retail mobile services which to a great extent is mitigating the negative impact, already being experienced, arising from the process driven by the EU leading to regulation of roaming activity.
Fixed line services continue to experience growth in broadband services, although this growth does not compensate for the continued decline in traditional fixed line services.
Please click on the above heading for further details.
Malta International Airport plc
The Company has announced that:
Mr Michael Hoeferer has ceased to be a non-executive Director of the Company and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Mr John Ellul Vincenti has ceased to be a non-executive Director of the Company following the expiry of his term of office.
Mr Michael Bianchi and Mr Markus Klaushofer have been appointed non-executive Directors of the Company, with effect from the AGM of 12th April 2007.
Please click on the above heading to view further details.
FIMBank plc
Reference is made to Company Announcement dated 13th April 2007 notifying, inter alia, the appointment of Mr Pierre-Olivier Fragniere as Director pursuant to the provisions….please click on the above heading to view the official announcement.
International Hotel Investments plc
The Company has during the period commencing 1st January 2007 and the date of this announcement, 22nd May 2007, focused on achieving the objectives outlined in its 2006 Annual Report and Financial Statements. The acquisition process of the Corinthia Bab Africa Hotel and Commercial Centre in Tripoli and Corinthia Towers Hotel in Prague from Corinthia Palace Hotel Company Ltd is well underway. Please click on the above heading for further details.
Grand Harbour Marina plc
The Company wishes to announce to shareholders who have received the notice to attend the annual general meeting of the Company, that the date indicated in the said notice is erroneously. The correct date should read 5th June 2007 as indicate in the admission form to the meeting also sent to all shareholders.
Medserv plc
The Company has issued the Interim Director’s Report in compliance with Chapter 9 of the Listing rules. From the commencement of trading in the current financial year the intensive activity expected in the oil industry offshore Libya has been delayed in coming on stream. This has led to a slowdown in the Company’s operations which has adversely affected the Company’s financial performance.
However the Company’s financial stability remains sound and well able to sustain the temporary slowdown in business experienced by it and its Controlled Undertaking.
Please click on the above heading to view further details.
HSBC Bank Malta plc
The Company has issued the Interim Directors’ Statement based on the unaudited management accounts of HSBC up to 30th April 2007. HSBC has made solid progress to date in 2007 and the bank continues to explore growth opportunities across all customer segments.
Profit before tax, net interest income and non-interest income showed good improvement over the same period in 2006. The overall credit quality remained sound….please click on the above heading to view further details…
FIMBank plc
The Company announced that during the financial period commencing on 1st January 2007 until the date of this announcement (18th May 2007), no materials events and / or transaction have taken place that would have an impact of the financial position of the Company and its controlled undertakings such that the would require specific mention, disclosure or announcement pursuant to the applicable Listing Rules.
Please click on the above heading to view the original announcement.
Datatrak holdings plc
Datatrak Solutions Ltd, a subsidiary of Datatrak Holdings plc has concluded a contract with Euro Car Parts Ltd whereby DispatchIT, a fleet management and job dispatch solution developed by Datatrak Solutions Ltd, shall be running on 450 mobile units at Euro Car Parts. Included in the agreement is the adoption of DispatchIT’s mobile sales force functionality which will be in use by Euro Car Parts’ sales force of 80 mobile sales persons.
Please click on the above heading to view further details.
Grand Harbour Marina plc
The Company announces the approval of the financial statements for the financial year ended 31st December 2006; the appointment of Company Secretary; the date of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and the nature of special business to be considered at the AGM.
Please click on the above heading to view the statements and further details.