Company Announcements – August 2007

Datatrak Holdings plc

At a meeting of directors of the company held on 27th August 2007 the Board of Directors approved the interim financial statements of the Company for the financial period ended 30th June 2007.

Please click on the above heading to view the statements and further details.

Corinthia Finance plc

The Half-Yearly Report of the above Company has been issued. Please click on the heading to view them.

FIMBank plc

The Board of Directors approved the company’s interim financial statements for the half-year ended 30th June 2007. FIMBank Group posted an after tax-profit of USD3.46 million, equivalent to an increase of 11% over the USD3.13 million registered for the same period in 2006. Group net interest income increased by 22% on 2006, while net fee and commission income increased by 24%.

On the other hand, net trading income booked by the Group for the period under review remained at the same levels as 2006. Group net operation income grew by 22% to USD12.22 million while group operating expenses (before adjustment to Goodwill) increased by 23% highlighting the increased activity and operating base of the Group.

Please click on the above heading for further details.

GlobalCapital plc

The Board of Directors considered and approved the company’s half-yearly report for the period ended 30th June 2007. The company registered a profit after tax for the period of Lm388,919 compared to the corresponding result last year of Lm735,180. Also worth noting, is the increase in operating profit of 21.9% and the continued healthy returns on the international investment property portfolio of the company and its subsidiaries.

Moreover, as pointed out in the company announcement, their were significant fair value losses on securities held by the company and its subsidiaries, including the life insurance company, attributable to negative market conditions which prevailed during the year to date.

Please click on the above heading for further details.

International Hotel Investments plc

The Board of Directors will be reviewing the Financial Statements for the period 1st January 2007 to 30th June 2007.

Medserv plc

The Board of Directors is scheduled to meet on Wednesday 29th August 2007 to discuss the Company’s Half-Yearly Report for the period 1st January 2007 to 30th June 2007.

Middlesea Insurance plc

The company issued its Interim Financial Statements for the period ended 30th June 2007. It was noted that the company registered an increase of 55% profits before taxation for the six month period compared with the same period last year (Profit before taxation amounted to Lm1.93 million compared to Lm1.24 in the previous year).

Please click here to view the Financial Statements.

GlobalCapital plc


The company announced that a meeting has been set for Friday 24th August 2007 to consider and approve the interim results of the company as at 30th June 2007. Please click above to view the official announcement.

Lombard Bank plc


The Group and Bank unaudited condensed interim financial statements for the six-month period ended 30th June 2007 were approved by the Board of Directors. Please click above to view these statements.

As may be noted in these statements Lombard Bank registered a pre-tax profit of Lm2.09 million for the six months, representing an increase of 26% over the same period in 2006. Please click above for further details…

Plaza Centre


In a meeting held on 3rd August 2007, the Board of Directors of Plaza Centres plc approved the interim unaudited financial statements for the six months ended 30th June 2007. Please click on the above heading to view the statements.