HSBC maintains good business growth…
HSBC Bank Malta plc
HSBC has maintained good business growth to date in 2007, continuing the positive profit and loss balance sheet trends reported in the first half of 2007.
As at 31st October 2007, both customers’ deposits and customers’ loans increased strongly…
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Grand Harbour Marina plc
Since the announcement of the Company’s interim results on the 3rd September 2007, no material events and transactions have taken place that would have an impact on the financial position of the Company.
The Company has not completed any berth sales during the first 10 months of the current financial year…
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GlobalCapital plc
During the period between 1st July until 15th November 2007, the Group announced that no material events and transactions have taken place that would have an impact on the financial position of the Group.
The Group’s turnover in the first nine months of the year increased (over the corresponding period last year) predominantly on its life assurance business and property portfolio, whilst investment fee income experienced a decrease….
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Medserv plc
The losses reported in the company’s half year results announced on 31st August 2007 have been stemmed and the Company is now trading profitably.
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For other announcement Re: Medserv please click on the following links:
Medserv plc – Appointment of Senior Officers –
Malta International Airport plc – Interim Director Statement –