HSBC announces positive financial results
HSBC Bank Malta plc
The Board of Directors approved the Preliminary Statement of annual results for the financial year ended 31st December 2007. During the year HSBC and its subsidiaries generated a profit on ordinary activities before tax of €114.70 (Lm49.2) million, an increase of €18.3 (Lm7.8) million or 19%, compared to 2006. Profit attributable to shareholders also increased, by 22% over the previous year’s figure.
The Board of Directors also resolved to recommend the approval of a final ordinary dividend of €0.148 (Lm0.064) gross per share, which will be paid on 29th April 2008 to shareholders who are on the company’s register of shareholders as at 29th February 2008. The AGM will be held on 4th April.
Please click on the above heading to view the original company announcement.
Middlesea Insurance plc
For details in relation to the Resignation of Mr Domingo Sugranyes Bickel click on the above heading.
GO plc
The Board of Directors is scheduled to meet on 27th February 2008 to:
(1) Consider and Approve the Company’s Audited Financial Statements
(2) Consider the declaration of a Final Dividend
Please click on the above heading to view the original company announcement.