GO and FIMBank announce AGM dates

GO plc

The following resolutions will be presented in GO’s 10th AGM scheduled for Friday 11th April 2008:

That the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 31.12.07 be approved.

That the Meeting approves the payment of a Net Dividend of EUR0.11c65 (Lm0.05) (2006 — Lm0.05) net of taxation, per share.

That the reappointment of KPMG be approved.

To establish the maximum annual aggregate emoluments of the Directors at EUR200,000.

That the directors be elected.

Please click on the above heading for further details.

GlobalCapital plc

GlobalCapital announces that a meeting for the Board of Directors has been set for 3rd April 2008, to consider and approve the Company’s Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31.12.07.

FIMBank plc


The following resolutions will be presented in FIMBank’s AGM scheduled for Thursday 10th April 2008:


Recommendation of a net dividend of USD0.038023 per ordinary shares

Declaration a scrip dividend

Appointment of KPMG as auditors

Please click on the above heading for further details.