An attractive investment opportunity.
This product offers you:
Ø Potential annual return of 10%*
Ø 5 year Medium Term Note issued by HSBC Bank plc (S&P AA rating)
Ø 100% capital protection and no charges apply if the investment is held until maturity;
Ø participation linked to currency, interest rate, equity and money market strategies;
Ø a preferential rate of 4% per annum payable pro-rata from the date the subscription monies are received until the investment starts;
Ø possibility to sell your investment on a weekly basis**.
Offer closes on 14 June 2008 or earlier if oversubscribed.
HSBC Fund Management (Malta) Limited are supported by local and international expertise in foreign investments.
* Return is gross and not guaranteed
**Conditions and charges apply.
Important Information
The financial instruments that give capital protection and returns (if any) do not have any guarantees. Past performance is not necessarily a reliable guide of future performance. If the strategy experiences a severe loss and its value falls to the value of the prevailing zero coupon bond (i.e. the asset necessary to ensure the capital protected amount), the full amount invested in the strategy would be switched to the zero coupon bond for the remaining period of the MTN to secure the capital. If this happens no gain will be made from that point onwards and you will only receive back your initial capital in euro.
A prospective purchaser of this MTN should carefully consider all the risks associated with any investment in these Notes. Any subscription in the MTN is to be made on the basis of the Prospectus dated April 2008 relevant to this offer, the Base Prospectus dated 2 August 2007 and subsequent Supplements issued by HSBC Bank plc, which will be made available to customers on request.
For more information call Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Ltd on Freephone 8007 2206.
The distribution of the funds’ Prospectuses and the offering of shares may be restricted in any other jurisdiction.
HSBC Bank plc is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Services Authority. HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. and HSBC Fund Management (Malta) Limited are licensed to provide investment services by the MFSA.