MSE Trading Report for week ending 27th June 2008
MSE Index up 3.36% and HSBC up by 7.7%
This week the Malta Stock Exchange Index (MSE) closed at 4,273.023 points, at a gain of 3.36% over the previous week. Since the beginning of the year the Index lost over 13%. During the week, thirteen equities were negotiated, with three equities closing in negative territory, four in positive territory whilst the rest remained stable. During the week, HSBC Bank Malta plc was the best performer whilst Grand Harbour Marina lost ground.
A total of two hundred fifty trades were registered on the stock exchange for a turnover of over EUR7.37 million. In the equity market one hundred and seventy nine deals were executed for a value of EUR 843,089 whilst in the corporate bond market nineteen deals for a total value of EUR 97,279 were carried out. All corporate bonds traded retained the same price as their opening price. In the government bond market forty trades were executed for a total value of over EUR 3.64 million. In Treasury Bills market twelve deals were executed for a total value of over EUR 2.79 million.
In the banking sector, the share price of HSBC Bank Malta plc had a very positive week as during the week its share price increased, losing ground slightly on Friday. The share price appreciated by 7.707%, thus increasing by 27c9 as 61,160 shares changed hands across seventy deals, for the total value of EUR228,917. The share price of Bank of Valletta plc also increased by 1.26%, as 50,743 shares changed hands over fifty-two deals. FIMBank plc did not experience any change in its share price as 11,499 shares changed hands across six deals. Lombard Bank plc saw its share price remain stable at EUR 3.00 as six deals were executed, with 9,400 shares changing hands.
International Hotel Investments plc saw its share price increase by 4.31%, an increase of 4c4. The closing price was EUR1.064 as 8,167 shares changed hands over three deals. MaltaPost plc experienced an increase in its share price, as it closed at EUR0.83, thus increasing by 1.84%, with 144,121 shares changing hands over nine deals. Malta International Airport plc share price remained stable as 8,300 shares changed hands over six deals. Middlesea Insurance plc also retained its price, thus closing at EUR3.41, over six deals with 20,189 shares changing hands. Middlesea Insurance plc announced that during the Annual General Meeting, the shareholders approved the payment of a dividend of EUR 0.1281 per ordinary share. The Company also announced that two Extraordinary Resolutions put to the General Meeting were carried by the shareholders present at the meeting.
GO plc saw its share price decrease by 1.89% to EUR 2.60 on nine deals for a total volume of 16,764 shares, being effected by the decrease in its price occurring on Monday. The share price of Grand Harbour Marina plc did not have a positive week as its share price dropped by 0.20% to Eur2.045 on five trades, with 9,000 shares, changing hands.
GlobalCapital plc saw its share price fall by 3.70%, closing at EUR2.60, although only 2,899 shares changed hands over four deals. RS2 Software plc traded for the first time on Friday, retaining its share price at EUR0.80. RS2 traded twice as 30,000 shares changed hands. Simonds Farsons Cisk plc traded once during the week, with 1,100 shares changing hands. The closing price remained the same for the week, closing at EUR2.721. Simonds Farsons Cisk plc also announced that during the Annual General Meeting the shareholders approved all Ordinary Resolutions, and approved a net dividend of EUR0.06222 per share.
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