GAP Developments plc – Approval of Company Accounts

GAP Developments plc – Approval of Company Accounts

GAP Developments plc announced that at its first Annual General Meeting held on 3rd July 2008 at the company’s Head Office in Censu Scerri Street, Tigne Sliema the members approved the following resolutions:

Company’s accounts and reports of the Directors and Auditors for financial year ended 31st December 2007;

The Directors’ recommendation that no dividend be declared;

The re-appointment of Emmanuel P Fenech as Auditors of the company until the next General Meeting.

The re-appointment of the following to sit on the Board of the company: Mr. George Muscat, Mr. Paul Attard, Mr. Adrian Msucat, Mr. Rene’ H. Formosa and Mr. Mark Castillo.

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