Tumas Investments plc – Allotment Policy : EUR 25 million 6.2% Bonds 2017-2020
Tumas Investments plc – Allotment Policy : EUR 25 million 6.2% Bonds 2017-2020
The Board of Directors of Tumas Investments plc announced the allotment policy to be applied in respect of the applications received upon opening of subscription lists on Friday, June 25, 2010.
Overall demand for the bonds was high reaching a total of 4,436 applications for a grand total value of EUR 42,965,400. The Company closed the subscription lists shortly after opening, exercising in full the Over-allotment Option.
Tumas Investments plc received a total of 1,109 applications for a value of EUR 12,903,000 from Preferred Applicants as holders of the maturing 6.7% Bonds 2010-2012, which represents an acceptance rate of circa 80%, after taking into consideration the receipt of top-up amounts. These applications will be met in full.
Out of a total of 4,436 applications, 3,327 represented new applications from the general public. These applications represented a value of EUR 30,062,400. Due to the over-whelming demand, the Directors of the Company decided to allot a minimum of EUR 4,000 to each Applicant together with a further allotment of 5.312% rounded to the nearest €100 nominal, therefore circa 44.60% of total applications from the general public will be met in full.
If one takes into account the applications received from Preferred Applicants, the number of applications which are being allotted in full total circa 58% of all applicants.
Interest on the Bonds will commence as from Saturday, July 10, 2010. Allotment letters and refunds of un-allocated monies will be paid by not later than Friday, July 9, 2010. The Bonds are expected to be admitted to the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange on Thursday, July 15, 2010, and trading is expected to commence on Friday, July 16, 2010.
The Board of Directors thanked the investing public, financial intermediaries and the banks for their strong and widespread support.
To view the official announcement, Click Here.