Issue of Eur 120 Million Malta Government Stocks
The Maltese Government announced the issue of Eur 120 million Government Stocks (subject to an over allotment of Eur 80 million)
4.25% MGS 2017 (III) at Euro 101.25 – YTM of 4.03% which corresponds to an annualised rate of 4.08%
5.25% MGS 2030 (I) F.I. (February’11) at Euro 101.50 – YTM of 5.13% which corresponds to an annualised rate of 5.19%
For more information and application forms, please refer to the attached documents.
Interested investors should refer to the Prospectus dated 28th January 2011 which may be obtained from our office in hard copy or electronically by e-mail on request.