MSE Trading Report for Week ending 6 December 2024

Movement in Equity and Bond Indices:

The MSE Equity Total Return Index shed 0.9%, ending the week at 8,410.386 points. Out of 21 active equities, six advanced, while another 12 fell. A total of 186 transactions registered a turnover of almost €0.8m.

The MSE Corporate Bonds Total Return Index closed relatively flat at 1,181.184 points. Out of 68 active issues, 17 headed north, while 28 closed in the opposite direction. The 5% Von der Heyden Group Finance plc Unsecured € 2032 issue recorded the best performance, up by 3.1%, closing at €100. Conversely, the 3.65% Mizzi Organisation Finance plc Unsecured € 2028-2031 lost 3.9%, ending the week at €94.65.

The MSE MGS Total Return Index closed in the green, gaining 0.8% to close at 958.621 points. Out of 31 active issues, 25 increased in value while three headed south. The 4.30% MGS 2038 (II) topped the list of gainers, as it closed 3.1% higher at €112.09. On the other hand, the 2.3% MGS 2029 (II) closed 0.9% lower at €99.13


Market Highlights:

Bank of Valletta plc (BOV) gained 0.6% as it closed at the €1.71 price level. Trading activity involved the exchange of 227,588 shares over 66 trades totaling €387,387. Since the beginning of the year, BOV shares gained 20.4%.

HSBC Bank Malta plc shed 0.7% to close at €1.44, as 12 trades on a volume of 25,217 shares were recorded. The bank’s shares gained 12.5% since last January.

The equity value of International Hotel Investments plc plummeted by 9.1% to end the week at €0.44 during Friday’s trading session. This decline was the result of 10,000 shares exchanging ownership on a single trade.

RS2 Software plc observed a 6% decline, closing at €0.47. Trading activity included two trades worth €2,370.

Malta International Airport plc retracted by 0.9%, ending the week at €5.85. Six trades across 5,426 shares were recorded.

PG plc experienced a decline in its equity value, as 34,320 shares exchanged ownership over four trades. The company’s share price closed at €1.86.

Malita Investments plc shares saw a 5.7% drop in its share price, closing at €0.50. A total of five trades worth €8,490 were recorded.

Six trades involving the exchange of 150,500 MIDI plc shares increased the company’s share price by 12.7% to €0.248 price level. MIDI plc shares were active on Tuesday and did not trade for the rest of the week.

VBL plc plummeted by 10.9% to close at €1.96. Three deals worth €1,605 were executed.

AX Real Estate plc saw a 12.4% increase in its share price, closing at a weekly high of €0.418. Three small trades worth €1,135 were recorded.


Company Announcements:

International Hotel Investments plc announced that it has entered into a partnership with Kuwaiti based conglomerate Action Real Estate Company to explore development and investment opportunities for luxury hotels and real estate at prime locations in the Americas and beyond.

Tigne Mall plc announced that following the conditional voluntary takeover bid for the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of the company launched by Marsamxett Properties Ltd, the Company has requested the Malta Financial Services Authority and the Malta Stock Exchange to suspend trading of Company shares.


Market Movers by Sector:

 This article, which was compiled by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited does not intend to give investment advice and the contents therein should not be construed as such. The Company is licensed to conduct investment services under the Investment Services Act by the MFSA and is a Member of the Malta Stock Exchange. The directors or related parties, including the company and their clients, are likely to have an interest in securities mentioned in this article. For further information contact Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited at 67, Level 3, South Street, Valletta, or on Tel: 21224410, or email [email protected]