Company Announcement – August 2006

Malta International Airport p.l.c.

Mr. Jean Depasquale has resigned from his post as non-executive Director of the Company. Ms Karin Zipperer has been appointed non-executive Director of the Company, with effect from 13th July 2006.

Malta International Airport p.l.c.

The following resolutions were passed and approved at the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Company, held on the 13th July 2006:

1.                  That the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2006 and the Directors’ and Auditors’ Report be received and approved;

2.                  That the net dividend of Lm0.022 per share which represents a net payment of LM1,488,300 as recommended by the Directors be approved;

3.                  That the appointment of Deloitte & Touche as auditors of the Company be approved and that the Board of Directors be authorised to fix their remuneration; and

4.                  That the nominated Directors be appointed to the Board of Directors of the Company.

Maltacom p.l.c.

Maltacom p.l.c. announces that Mr Edgar Borg, Group Finance Director will be relinquishing his position. The Company thanked Mr. Borg for his loyal service during the past twenty seven years and wished him every success for the future.

Santumas Shareholdings p.l.c.

The Board of Directors of Santumas Shareholdings plc is scheduling to meet on Tuesday the 22nd August 2006 to:

(i)                  consider and approve the Company’s Financial Statements for the period ending 30th April 2006;

(ii)                consider the declaration of an interim dividend