Company Announcements – June 2007
Maltacom plc
Reference is made to the Company Announcement issued on the 27th September 2006, wherein Maltacom announced it would appeal against the decision issued by the Malta Communications Authority imposing an administrative fine increasing daily until Maltacom sign an Interconnection agreement and provides effective interconnection to Melita Cable plc.
The Company announces that the Communications Appeals Board has issued a decision upholding Maltacom’s appeal from the decision of the MCA. The decision is subject to a further appeal on points of law.
GlobalCapital plc
The Company announces that during its AGM to be held on 29th June 2007, in addition to Ordinary Business, the following resolutions will be presented: (1) to issue and allot up to a maximum of 4,400,000 ordinary shares…(2) Subject to the passing of the above Resolution….please click above to view official announcement.
Grand Harbour Marina plc
The Board of Directors of the Company has been notified by certain of its shareholders that they have entered into share sale and purchase agreements with Camper and Nicholsons Marina Investments Limited (CNMI) in relation to their shares, thus giving effect to the acquisition that had been announced earlier this year.
CNMI acquired 70% of Grand Harbour Marina plc at Lm0.56 per GHM Share, representing a total investment by CNMI, including transaction-related costs of EUR9.5 million.
Cash offer for remaining 30%….
….please click on the above heading to view further details….
Middlesea Insurance plc
Upon motion by a shareholder and seconded by another shareholder, it is RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company is authorised to acquire such number of its own shares subject to limitations and conditions set out in the Companies Act 1995…
Please click on the above heading to view further details.
Bank of Valletta plc
BOV announces that the Board of Directors has re-appointed Mr Tonio Depasquale as Chief Executive Officer for a further period through to 30th November 2009.
Middlesea Insurance plc
The Company has announced that up to the end of the first quarter 2007, it has achieved, overall, its revenue growth objective over the corresponding period in 2006. This included an improved technical performance registered by both Progress Assicurazioni SpA and Middlesea Valletta Life Assurance Co. Ltd, whose results have a material effect on the Holding Company.
The local operation continued to produce a positive gross underwriting….
Please click on the above heading to view the full announcement.
Maltacom plc
Maltacom announced that in line with the re-branding exercise being undertaken by the Company, the Maltacom Group shall as of today be known as Go.
Lombard plc
Lombard announces that it will be holding its 6th Annual General Meeting on 26th June 2007 for the purpose of considering the following Agenda:
Approval of the Annual Report and Financial Statements
Appointment of Auditors and fixing of their remuneration
Appointment of Directors and fixing of their maximum remuneration
Grand Harbour Marina plc
Please click on the above heading to view the announcement in relation to the agreements announced on 25th April 2007, between Camper & Nicholsons Marina Investments Ltd and Grand Harbour Marina plc.
Medserv plc
On 31st May 2007, the Company held its sixth AGM wherein the shareholders approved:
P & L Account and Balance Sheet for the financial year ended 31st December 2006 and the Directors’ and Auditors’ report thereon;
The Net Dividend of Lm0.0206 per share as recommended by the Directors;
The re-appointment of KPMG as auditors of the Company;
The re-appointment of the directors.
Please click on the heading to view full details.
Datatrak holdings plc
Datatrak Nigeria Ltd, a Nigerian company in which Datatrak Mena holds an interest together with Nigerian investors, has been offered a telecommunications licence by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) authorising it to operate a telecommunications network in the territory of Nigeria, subject to the payment of the relative licence fee. The said licence is for a period of five years.
This constitutes a further step towards the establishment of a datatrak network in Abuja, Lagos and the Niger Delta Area.
Please also click here to view the announcement relating to the sixth AGM of Datatrak holdings, held on 1st June 2007.
Lombard plc
The Company announces that no material events and/or transactions have taken place during the financial period commencing 1st January 2007 up to date, which would require disclosure under the applicable Listing Rules.
During the same period, the financial position of the Company has remained sound and the performance has been in line with the relative projections.
Simonds Farsons Cisk plc
The Board of Directors has approved the appointment of Mr Norman Aquilina as Chief Commercial Officer of the Farsons Group of Companies as from 1st July 2007.
Please click on the above heading to view further details.