PRESS RELEASE – 31.08.07
Ghal informazzjoni bil-Malti ghafas fuq il-PDF file “Stqarrija ghall-istampa” li jinsab fl-ahhar tal-pagna.
Tista ukoll iccempel lil Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Ltd fuq 8007 2206 jew zur l-ufficju il- Belt, Valletta. Il-kumpanija hija licenzjata mill-MFSA.
The Kapital Garantit Plus is being co-ordinated and promoted by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Limited, which is licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority to conduct Investment Services business. The Certificate is being promoted in Malta in accordance with the Prospectus Directive. Investments should only be made following review of the Base Prospectus dated 30th May 2007, as supplemented on the 11th July 2007 and the Prospectus dated 17th August 2007 and other applicable documents, which can be obtained from Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Limited, at 67/3 South Street, Valletta or on telephone number 21224410 or email: [email protected]. Jesmond Mizzi Financial Services Limited has issued this press release.