International Hotel Investments plc – Agenda for Annual General Meeting July 23, 2010
International Hotel Investments plc – Agenda for Annual General Meeting July 23, 2010
International Hotel Investments plc announced that the following resolutions are being presented for consideration at the Annual General Meeting of the Company on Friday, July 23, 2010, at 11.00 am:
1. That the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2009, together with the Directors’ report and the Auditors’ Report thereon be and hereby approved.
2. That Grant Thornton be and hereby re-appointed as auditors of the Company and that the Directors be and hereby authorised to fix their remuneration.
3. Appointment of Directors.
1. That the Directors be and hereby duly authorised and empowered, for a period of fifteen (15) months from the date of this resolution, to issue and allot up to two hundred million (200,000,000) shares in the Company with a nominal value of EUR 1 each share to investors, at a price which is not less than the nominal value, without first offering the said shares to existing Shareholders. This resolution is being taken in terms and for the purposes of the approvals necessary in terms of article 88(7) of the Companies Act (Cap.386 of the Laws of Malta) and article 8.1 of the Company’s current Articles of Association.
2. That the current Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company be and hereby abrogated and replaced by the new Memorandum and Articles of Association.
To view the official announcement, Click Here.