International Hotel Investments plc – Tenth Annual General Meeting
International Hotel Investments plc – Tenth Annual General Meeting
International Hotel Investments plc (IHI) announced that today, July 23, 2010, it held its tenth Annual General Meeting, when the shareholders approved all the resolutions on the Agenda.
The Meeting was informed that at a Board Meeting, the Directors approved a 4 per cent bonus share issue to the free float shareholders appearing on the register of members of the Company on December 31, 2009. The Meeting was further informed that the bonus share distribution out of capital reserves will be offered with an option to acquire the said bonus shares at EUR 1 each share by the Company.
The Board of Directors is comprised of Mr Alfred Pisani (Chairman), Mr Ibrahim Zletni, Mr Hamza Mustafa, Mr Andrew Watson, Mr Joseph Fenech, Mr Simon Naudi, Dr Joseph J. Vella, Mr Frank Xerri de Caro and Mr Michael Beckett.
To view the official announcement, Click Here.