International Hotel Investments plc – Announcement of record date for Extraordinary General Meeting

International Hotel Investments plc – Announcement of record date for Extraordinary General Meeting

Following the announcement made on July 23, 2010, by International Hotel Investments plc, that the Directors will be recommending to shareholders the capitalisation of reserves in favour of its shareholders to take place by way of a bonus share issue of an amount not exceeding 1.8 million Ordinary Bonus Shares, the Company announced that it will be convening an Extraordinary General Meeting for the Directors’ recommendations to be placed before the shareholders.

The main institutional shareholders, Corinthia Palace Hotel Company Limited and Istithmar Hotels FZE, have agreed to waive their rights to participate in the bonus share issue, accordingly the 1.8 million shares will be issued in their entirety pro rata among the public shareholders holding the 44,108,617 shares as at December 31, 2009. This is equivalent to one Bonus Share for every 25 Ordinary Shares (subject to rounding).

Furthermore, the Directors will also be seeking the authorization of shareholders for the Company to buy-back any of the Bonus Shares issued, if so requested by the members.

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company is to be held on August 27, 2010 for the purpose of submitting these proposals for the approval of shareholders.

The record date for this meeting shall be the close of trading on the Malta Stock Exchange as at today July 28, 2010.

To view the official announcement, Click Here.